Tuesday, September 19, 2006

A melancholy town where we never smile...

So I've been getting harassed about not posting in a long time, so I figured I should appease my fans and write.

So the big 2-5 has come and gone. It's weird to think that I've been alive for a quarter century. High school doesn't seem that long ago, and college feels like yesterday. I always thought I'd be married by the time I turned 25, it always felt like a good age to be married, alas I am no where close to marriage at this moment. Birthdays have become a time for reflection for me. To look back at my past and ahead to my future and wonder if I've really done anything or will do anything. I guess part of me is content with living a life of anonymity, only being known amongst my family and friends, however, part of me wishes to be somebody big and important. Somebody, that when this body fails me, leaves a name that people instantly recognize upon hearing it. Perhaps this is my identity paradox...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

muyou now have a comment. :) i'm kidding. thanks for posting a blog. i think you can be both...doing something great, but also being somewhat anonymous. who is it that you're finding significance from? if man, you can't be both. if God, you can.
the harasser