Thursday, July 14, 2005

Run as fast as you can, they're shootin' to kill...

I hate the fact that I always get my hopes up, and I'm walking on air, floating like a kite on a breezy summer day, only to come crashing down like a big rock. Then I always tell myself I'm not going to get my hopes up anymore, no matter what! Then next time comes around, and I do the same thing. It's like I forget what happened in the past, or maybe I think it'll be different, but no the same thing happens. Then I write it all off, I'm done with it all. I'm just never going to risk anything and be content with containing all feeling and emotion and desire. But then another moment comes, and my hopes fly again. Know what I mean....


raj said...

Perhaps our acute ability to forget is a gift and not a curse. Without hope, what is life but a meaningless journey towards destruction? Maybe hope isn't about the outcome so much as it is a means of getting there. Despair, as far as I know, has never driven anyone to a good end.

raj said...

I stand by my comment, even if hopelessness is on account of women - though knowing that I feel less preachy about hope and would just as soon buy you a beer and slap you on the back. THEY are shooting to kill. ;)