Monday, April 17, 2006

You're young and depressed, but you're very well dressed...

I get so frustrated with my lack of commitment and consistency. It seems that I always fall back into the stupid things that I know are clogging my life and distancing me from growing closer to God. Jesus said it simply,"Follow me". It's very honest and direct, and I long to do it and nothing else.
I make these plans and goals of how I can better follow Him, but sin always seems to creep in like a shadow. But that's no excuse! I need to be better prepared, be in the Word and on my knees. I need to walk the walk, and not just talk about being a believer, but actually doing it, and persistently at that. I seemed so much stronger in high school, my knowledge was small, but my faith was big, and now it's seems as though that hast been reversed. I know too much! I let my knowledge take place of my actions, and it needs to stop...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ronnie, I like your blogs.
Lindsey Cooper